Annual budget meeting 2018 – Update

The following is a reproduction of a memo dated 21 December 2018, distributed by management to all shareholders.

Dear Shareholders,

During our December meeting, the Board set the budget for the 2019 fiscal year. Due to the fiscal responsibility of the Boards over the past several years, we are proud to announce that this year we will only have an increase of 1.25%, and the capital assessment of maintenance will maintain at 10%. This is the lowest overall increase implemented in the last 9 years.

This modest increase ensures that we will have sufficient cash on hand to fund all co-op operations while having additional funds in case of an emergency. The capital assessment will allow us to fund needed improvements in both the short and long term, while also assuring lenders that our co-op’s finances are sound.

The Board understands that any increase can greatly affect our shareholders, and we do not take that fact lightly. Operating expenses increase incrementally year over year due to inflation, and we have many fixed costs that we cannot control. With the little discretionary funds we have to work with, we try to set up projects that improve our wonderful co-op and make it a great place to live, like our playground last year.

In order to improve security for the building and to address our aging intercoms that require more maintenance every year, included in this budget is a plan to upgrade the intercom system for all the buildings. More information will follow in the upcoming year as plans start to form.

Nagle Apartments Corp. Board of Directors